We are now exclusively on Spotify.
Links to individual shows are in the show notes.
Forget the crossword puzzle or Suduko! Grab your morning coffee and join a small group online for a fun sharing time of writing. These one-hour Wordflow sessions help you grow as a writer, removing writer's block and get you writing!
New session starting Sept. 9th
Want to Play?
Everything is so much more fun when you have someone to play with...including making a podcast.
If you have a great idea for a theme that's perfect for Boomers, I'd love to hear from you.
So far, co-hosts have joined me for podcasts on:
Poetry for Valentine's - written by listeners
As you can see - the field is wide open. Bring your love of chatting, some connections to interesting guests and let's play.
Email a brief description of your proposal to: stories@boomerbedtimestoryradio.com
Interested in a Daily Writing Practice?
If you are looking for a supportive group where you will be inspired and encouraged to be creative and write out your stories...we are collaborating with the VSW School of Writing to create a live daily practice that will kickstart your writing to levels you will hardly believe. WordFLOW starts May 6/2024. Sign up NOW and get your writing practice flowing.
We're looking for Storytellers & Writers
Every month we have a theme and we're looking for creative storytellers and artists to play along with us.
What is required?
Your story must be original and it must be true. As we are gathering the stories of the Boomer(ish) generation, we want your real stories--not excerpts from your novel.
Your story must be connected to the theme
Your story must have a beginning, middle and end.
Your story is about 3 to 5 minutes long when read aloud.
How do I record my story?
Start by telling us your name and where you are currently living. Then tell us the title of your story. Finally tell/read your story.
Record your story on an audio app on your computer or phone. If you make a mistake, just go back to the beginning of that sentence or section and redo it. That makes it easy to edit.
Tips for best audio:
If you are recording your story on a phone, do not hold it, but put it on a stand or table.
Do not wave your hands around - you are likely to bang something - and every bang will be recorded.
Listen to the room. Are there noises that you can control? A noisy fridge? A fan? Turn those off. Noises you can't control? A busy street? Close the windows or wait for a quieter time of day.
Listen to your recording before you send.
I'm not a geek! What can I do?
If you having problems doing this yourself, or the audio quality is bad, send us an email and we will organize a zoom call to record your story. But give us plenty of time. These stories all need to be edited into the podcast.
How do I apply?
Send your recording or a letter of interest telling us a bit about yourself to: stories@boomerbedtimestoryradio.com